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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 30: e2023066, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528659


Resumo Este artigo analisa o uso de fontes iconográficas no contexto das campanhas educativas para o combate à hanseníase numa perspectiva sócio-histórica em quatro momentos: décadas de 1950, 1960, 1980 e 1990. São analisados quatro cartazes para identificar os elementos (textuais, visuais ou gráficos) utilizados para elaborar um discurso sobre a doença e os doentes; suas transformações discursivas e permanências, além de verificar como se tornaram parte de uma narrativa de memória institucional ligada à saúde pública paulista. As fontes estudadas fazem parte da coleção Cartazes de Campanhas de Saúde, cujos itens foram produzidos por diversas instituições ligadas à saúde pública e integram o acervo do Museu de Saúde Pública Emílio Ribas.

Abstract This article analyzes the use of iconographic sources in the context of educational campaigns to combat Hansen's disease from a socio-historical perspective at four points in time: the 1950s, 1960s, 1980s, and 1990s. Four posters are analyzed to identify the elements (textual, visual or graphic) used to develop discourse on this disease and those it affected and transformations and permanences in this discourse, as well as to verify how they became part of a narrative of institutional memory linked to public health in the state of São Paulo. These were produced by various public health institutions and are part of the Health Campaign Poster Collection held by the Emílio Ribas Public Health Museum.

Health Promotion , Leprosy/prevention & control , Brazil , History, 20th Century
Cad. Ibero Am. Direito Sanit. (Impr.) ; 11(3): 35-51, jul.-set.2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393523


Objetivo: descrever a estratégia implementada numa organização de saúde que pretende aumentar o letramento em saúde do cidadão, envolvendo pacientes, cuidadores e profissionais na promoção de cuidados de saúde mais seguros. Metodologia: relato de experiência de um centro hospitalar português no desenvolvimento de estratégias de letramento em saúde para cidadãos, com realização de diversas atividades integradas em campanhas anuais de segurança do paciente. Resultados: os temas destas campanhas alinham-se com orientações da Organização Mundial de Saúde, estratégia nacional para qualidade e segurança do paciente e objetivos estratégicos da instituição. Das atividades desenvolvidas destacam-se: 42 conferências por peritos e pacientes/cuidadores; elaboração de diferentes materiais informativos com recomendações de segurança; rondas de segurança do paciente para identificação de boas práticas; formação em contexto de trabalho. Decorrente destas campanhas, vários departamentos da instituição têm desenvolvido projetos de melhoria contínua e segurança do paciente. Conclusão: o letramento em saúde contribui para tomadas de decisão mais informadas e esclarecidas, com melhores resultados em saúde e segurança nos cuidados. Informado e esclarecido, o paciente poderá ser promotor da sua segurança e participar na construção de sistemas de saúde mais seguros, contribuindo para melhores resultados.

Objective: to describe a strategy implemented in a health care organization that aims to increase citizens' health literacy by involving patients, caregivers, and professionals in promoting safer health care. Methods: field report from a Portuguese hospital on the development of strategies to promote citizens' health literacy through various activities integrated into annual patient safety campaigns. Results: the themes of these campaigns are consistent with the World Health Organization guidelines, the national strategy for quality and patient safety, and the strategic objectives of the institution. Among the activities developed, the following are worth mentioning: 42 conferences with experts and patients/caregivers; the development of various informational materials with safety recommendations; patient safety walkrounds to identify best practices; and on-the-job training. As a result of these campaigns, several departments at the facility have developed continuous improvement and patient safety projects. Conclusion: literacy contributes to more informed and educated decision making that leads to better health and safety outcomes in care. The informed and educated patient is able to promote their own safety and participate in building a safer health care system, which in turn leads to better outcomes.

Objetivo: describir una estrategia implementada en una organización de salud que pretende aumentar la alfabetización en salud del ciudadano, involucrando a pacientes, cuidadores, profesionales en la promoción de cuidados de salud más seguros. Metodología: informe de experiencia de un hospital portugués en el desarrollo de estrategias de alfabetización en salud para los ciudadanos, realizando varias actividades integradas en campañas anuales de seguridad del paciente. Resultados: los temas de estas campañas están alineados con las directrices de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la estrategia nacional de calidad y seguridad del paciente y los objetivos estratégicos de la institución. De las actividades desarrolladas destacan: 42 conferencias de expertos y pacientes/cuidadores; elaboración de diferentes materiales informativos con recomendaciones de seguridad; rondas de seguridad del paciente a las unidades para identificar buenas prácticas; En el trabajo de formación. Como resultado de estas campañas, varios departamentos de la institución han desarrollado proyectos de mejora continua y seguridad del paciente. Conclusión: la alfabetización en salud contribuye a una toma de decisiones más informada e informada, con mejores resultados en salud y seguridad en la atención. Informado e ilustrado, el paciente podrá promover su seguridad y participar en la construcción de sistemas de salud más seguros, contribuyendo a mejores resultados.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 26: e220004, 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385944


O que pode ser considerado comunicação de qualidade para a promoção da saúde e da prevenção de ISTs entre jovens? Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de metodologia de pesquisa para avaliar a qualidade de peças produzidas no contexto de campanhas de comunicação pública, tais como vídeos, cartazes, folhetos, mídias sonoras e impressas, postagens em redes sociais on-line etc. Os indicadores utilizados para determinar parâmetros de qualidade foram extraídos da literatura especializada e sistematizados em um roteiro de avaliação, com sete blocos temáticos articulados em torno de proposições normativas. Neste artigo, caracterizamos tal roteiro, sua fundamentação e sua forma de aplicação, que buscam responder ao desafio de determinar o que é qualidade em teoria e prática na comunicação promotora da saúde. Trata-se de um instrumento objetivo sobre corpora extensos que pode ser aplicado por pesquisadores individuais ou equipes.(AU)

What constitutes effective communication for health promotion and the prevention of STI among young people? This article proposes a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of public publicity campaign pieces, such as videos, posters, leaflets, audio and print media, and social media posts. The indicators used to determine effectiveness were taken from the specialist literature and systematized in the form of an evaluation guide consisting of seven thematic blocks structured around normative propositions. This article describes the guide, the rationale behind it, and its application as a health communication tool for determining effectiveness in theory and practice. The guide provides an objective tool that can be applied by individual researchers or teams to a broad range of corpora.(AU)

¿Qué es lo que puede considerarse comunicación de calidad para la promoción de la salud y de la prevención de ITSs entre jóvenes? Este artículo presenta una propuesta de metodología de investigación para evaluar la cantidad de piezas producidas en el contexto de campañas de comunicación pública, tales como videos, carteles, folletos, medios sonoros e impresos, posteos en redes sociales online etc. Los indicadores utilizados para determinar parámetros de calidad se extrajeron de la literatura especializada y se sistematizaron en un guion de evaluación, con siete bloques temáticos articulados alrededor de propuestas normativas. En este artículo, caracterizamos ese guion, su fundamentación y forma de aplicación, que buscan responder al desafío en la comunicación promotora de la salud, de determinar lo que es calidad en teoría y práctica. Se trata de un instrumento objetivo y que pueden aplicarlo investigadores individuales o equipos sobre corpus extensos.(AU)

Humans , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Evaluation of Research Programs and Tools , Health Communication/methods , Health Promotion , Surveys and Questionnaires , Qualitative Research , Health Research Evaluation
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2022. 176 f p. fig, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378874


Neste trabalho analisamos as campanhas preventivas de papilomavírus humano (HPV) e câncer no colo do útero (CCU) desenvolvidas pelo Instituto Nacional de Câncer / Ministério da Saúde, de 2014 a 2020. À luz de um olhar socioantropológico, nosso objetivo principal é compreender como estas campanhas acionam representações de gênero, e, enquanto tecnologias de saúde, como co-constroem sentidos e usuários. As campanhas evidenciam uma certa politização do útero que mantém um excessivo escrutínio do corpo feminino, através da medicalização e do monitoramento da saúde sexual e reprodutiva das mulheres. Entre as controvérsias, deslocamentos e continuidades que atravessam a discussão, as campanhas preventivas apontam para uma materialidade que não apenas faz, mas também deixa de fazer ­ promovendo silenciamentos e ausências. Assim, acreditamos que os elementos gráficos dessas campanhas nos permitem compreender alguns aspectos importantes do lugar do útero nas políticas públicas em saúde. Em adição, apresentamos algumas campanhas privadas e não governamentais, como contraponto à análise. Criamos sete categorias de análise ("Geracionalidade do cuidado", "Escolarização", "Infância e Juventude", "Gamificação", "Risco à saúde", "Saúde do Homem" e "Neutralidade") que nos permitiram discutir e realizar costuras entre as temáticas que surgiam nas peças gráficas. Ainda que o Brasil, historicamente, seja considerado um país que possui uma cultura robusta de imunização, a adesão à vacina do HPV ainda é considerada baixa. Devido a isso, tanto a vacinação contra HPV quanto o acometimento de CCU são apresentados enquanto "alarmantes problemas de saúde". As especificidades do contexto brasileiro, de certo modo, embaralham noções de risco e cuidado, proteção e submissão, autonomia e negacionismo. As peças gráficas analisadas iluminam um universo simbólico em relação ao tema e a peculiaridade da biografia da vacina de HPV, atravessando questões como o aumento do público alvo das vacinas, a recente ampliação da vacina para homens, a baixa adesão na segunda e terceira dose, a desconfiança familiar, as influências anti-vacinistas, moralidades em torno de gênero e sexualidades, etc. As campanhas contextualizadas com a história da vacina no Brasil, o atual modo de gestão e os atores em cena engendram um fenômeno que merece atenção pelos estudos das ciências humanas em saúde. Portanto, nos debruçamos justamente na tentativa de seguir parte da trajetória que as campanhas vacinais de HPV e preventivas de CCU têm traçado no Brasil, principalmente através das articulações estabelecidas entre gênero e saúde, partindo de uma perspectiva que encara ciência e cultura como indissociáveis

In this paper we analyze the preventive campaigns of human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer (CC) developed by the National Cancer Institute / Ministry of Health, from 2014 to 2020. In the light of a socioanthropological view, our main objective is to understand how these campaigns trigger gender representations, and, as health technologies, how to co-construct meanings and users. The campaigns highlight a certain politicization of the uterus that maintains excessive scrutiny of the female body, through medicalization and monitoring of the sexual and reproductive health of women. Among the controversies, displacements and continuities that cross the discussion, preventive campaigns point to a materiality that not only does, but also ceases to do ­ promoting silences and absences. Thus, we believe that the graphic elements of these campaigns allow us to understand some important aspects of the place of the uterus in public health policies. In addition, we present some private and non-governmental campaigns, as a counterpoint to the analysis. We created seven categories of analysis ("Generationality of care", "Schooling", "Childhood and Youth", "Gamification", "Risk to Health", "Men's Health" and "Neutrality") that allowed us to discuss and make seams between the themes that emerged in the layouts. Although Brazil has historically been considered a country with a robust immunization culture, HPV vaccine adhering is still considered low. Because of this, both HPV vaccination and CC involvement are presented as "alarming health problems". The specificities of the Brazilian context, in a way, scramble the senses of risk and care, protection and submission, autonomy and denialism. The graphic pieces analyzed illuminate a symbolic universe in relation to the theme and the peculiarity of the biography of the HPV vaccine, going through issues such as the increase in the target audience of vaccines, the recent expansion of the vaccine for men, the low adoption in the second and third dose, family distrust, anti-vacinist influences, morality around gender and sexualities, and so on. The campaigns contextualized with the history of the vaccine in Brazil, the current mode of management and the actors on the scene engender a phenomenon that deserves attention for the studies of the human sciences in health. Therefore, we focus precisely on the attempt to follow part of the trajectory that HPV vaccine and CC preventive campaigns have mapped in Brazil, mainly through the articulations established between gender and health, starting from a perspective that sees science and culture as inseparable

Papillomaviridae , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Papillomavirus Infections , Disease Prevention , Gender Role , Health Promotion , Brazil , Health Systems , Vaccination
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 25(3): 797-815, jul.-set. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-975426


Resumo O Brasil se destaca mundialmente na redução do tabagismo devido a suas eficazes políticas de controle. O artigo analisa, por meio de revisão narrativa, a natureza das discussões científicas que embasaram essas políticas públicas, por meio de perspectivas históricas, sociais, sanitárias e econômicas. Ressalta que as medidas associadas a essas questões têm sido marcadas por disputas de interesses entre as indústrias fumageiras e organizações de saúde. Explora temas ligados a publicidade, redução de danos, políticas tributárias e ações de proteção a não fumantes. Aponta para novas determinações sobre a publicidade de tabaco e sugere, por análise comparativa, veto à propaganda de bebidas alcoólicas no país.

Abstract Brazil is a country that stands out worldwide in the reduction of smoking due to its effective control policies. By means of a narrative review, the article analyzes the nature of the scientific discussions that underpin these public policies from historical, social, health and economic perspectives. The fact that the measures associated with these issues have been marked by conflicts of interest between the tobacco industry and health organizations is highlighted. Themes related to advertising, harm reduction, tax policies and actions to protect nonsmokers are scrutinized. New stipulations on tobacco advertising are examined and, by comparative analysis, a veto on the advertising of alcoholic beverages in the country is suggested.

Humans , Public Policy , Tobacco Use/prevention & control , Smoking Prevention , Health Policy , Taxes , Brazil , Tobacco Industry , Advertising , Alcoholic Beverages
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 108(2): 205-211, abr. 2013. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-670408


Chagas disease control requires an innovative approach to strengthen community participation in vector surveillance. This paper presents a case study of a community-based bug-hunting campaign in Guatemala. The campaign was implemented in 2007 in the following three stages: (i) a four week preparation stage to promote bug-hunting, (ii) a one week bug-hunting stage to capture and collect bugs and (iii) a 10 week follow-up stage to analyse the bugs and spray insecticide. A total of 2,845 bugs were reported, of which 7% were Triatominae vectors, such as Rhodnius prolixus and Triatoma dimidiata. The bug-hunting campaign detected a five-six-fold higher amount of vectors in one week than traditional community-based surveillance detects in one year. The bug-hunting campaign effectively detected vectors during a short period, provided information to update the vector infestation map and increased community and political awareness regarding Chagas disease. This approach could be recommended as an effective and feasible strategy to strengthen vector surveillance on a larger scale.

Animals , Humans , Chagas Disease/prevention & control , Insect Control/methods , Insect Vectors/classification , Rhodnius , Triatoma , Community Participation , Guatemala , National Health Programs , Program Evaluation
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 19(1): 325-334, jan.-mar. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-623307


Desde finales de la década de 1920, el uso del cine como una herramienta de educación higiénica se popularizó en México y, a lo largo de los años, se convirtió en un eficiente medio de propaganda para que el Estado y las autoridades sanitarias promovieran sus proyectos, recreando en las películas la imagen de un país sano y moderno. En este texto muestro los resultados del trabajo de rescate y catalogación del acervo filmográfico de la Secretaría de Salud los cuales me han permitido reconstruir la cartelera cinematográfica nacional e internacional - principalmente estadounidense - que se vio y se produjo en México entre 1943 y 1960.

Since the late 1920s, cinema has been a popular tool in health education in Mexico; over the years, it functioned as an efficient means of propaganda through which the State and public health authorities promoted their projects and re-created the image of a healthy, modern country on screen. The article presents the results of an effort to recover and catalogue the Mexican Department of Health's film archive, an endeavor that allowed for the reconstruction of a list of national and international films screened and produced in Mexico from 1943 to 1960, especially from the United States.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Hygiene/education , Health Promotion , Motion Pictures , Public Health/history , Health Education , History, 20th Century , Mexico
Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences ; : 35-47, 2012.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627960


Background: The prevalence of teenage smoking has decreased over the past decade following the implementation of the national tobacco control programme. However, the effect of the programme on smoking cessation in teenagers has not been determined. Methods: Twenty-eight participants (12 teenagers, 8 teachers, and 8 doctors) were interviewed using 5 in-depth interviews and 3 group discussions. Social cognitive theory (SCT) was applied as the theoretical framework. Semi-structured interview protocols were used, and thematic analysis and analytic generalisation utilising SCT were performed. Results: The current national tobacco control programme was found to be ineffective in promoting smoking cessation among teenagers. The participants attributed the ineffective campaign to the followings: inadequacy of message content, lack of exposure to the programme, and poor presentation and execution. In addition, the participants perceived the developed tobacco control policies to be a failure based on poor law enforcement, failure of retailers to comply with the law, social availability of cigarettes to teenagers, and easy availability of cheap, smuggled cigarettes. This study highlighted that the programme-related problems (environmental factors) were not the only factors contributing to its perceived ineffectiveness. The cunning behaviour of the teenagers (personal factor) and poor self-efficacy to overcome nicotine addiction (behavioural factor) were also found to hinder cessation. Conclusion: Tobacco control programmes should include strategies beyond educating teenagers about smoking and restricting their access to cigarettes. Strategies to manage the cunning behaviour of teenagers and strategies to improve their self-efficacy should also be implemented. These comprehensive programmes should have a foundation in SCT, as this theory demonstrates the complex interactions among the environmental, personal, and behavioural factors that influence teenage smoking.

Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health ; : 293-297, 2009.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-164453


OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the impact of the workplace smoking ban in South Korea, where the male smoking rate is high (57%), on smoking behavior and secondhand smoke exposure. METHODS: A workplace smoking ban legislation implemented in April 2003 requires offices, meeting rooms, and lobbies located in larger than 3,000 square meter buildings (or 2,000 square meter multipurpose buildings) should be smoke free. A representative cross-sectional survey, the third wave (2005) of health supplements in the National Health Nutrition Survey of South Korea, was used to measure the impact of the 2003 workplace smoking ban implementation on smoking behavior. It contained 3,122 observations of adults 20 to 65 years old (excluding self-employed and non-working populations). A multivariate statistical model was used. The self-reported workplace smoking ban policy (full workplace ban, partial workplace ban, and no workplace ban) was used as the key measure. RESULTS: A full workplace smoking ban reduced the current smoking rate by 6.4 percentage points among all workers and also decreased the average daily consumption among smokers by 3.7 cigarettes relative to no smoking ban. Secondhand smoke showed a dramatic decrease of 86 percent (= -1.74/2.03)from the sample mean for full workplace ban. However, public anti-smoking campaign did not show any significant impact on smoking behavior. CONCLUSIONS: The full workplace ban policy is effective in South Korea. Male group showed bigger impact of smoking ban policy than female group. The public antismoking campaign did not show any effectiveness.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Health Promotion/organization & administration , Republic of Korea , Sex Factors , Smoking/legislation & jurisprudence , Smoking Cessation , Socioeconomic Factors , Tobacco Smoke Pollution/legislation & jurisprudence , Workplace/legislation & jurisprudence